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Top Ten Attractions in Bologna

Bologna is perhaps not the best known of the Northern Italian cities, but it can definitely hold its own in terms of the sheer number of delightful locales and historic sites. There is much to see and do in this lively capital of the Emilia-Romagna region. Here are ten of the many highlights of the city:

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Piazza Maggiore

This grand palace-flanked square was the heart of mediaeval Bologna. It gained its present appearance in the 15th Century. This was where people gathered and where a market was once held. Today it is popular with wandering tourists and is a great place to focus your explorations of the historic core of the city.

Towers of Bologna

The towers of Bologna is the collective name for a group of mediaeval towers that make up the skyline of the old city. To wander amongst these towers is to see the best of the old city. Foremost amongst these towers of Bologna are the famous 'Two Towers', a symbol of the city.

Torre Asinelli

The taller of the famous Two Towers is the Torre Asinelli. It is possible to climb this tower and doing so is well worth the effort as the views gained over the city are spectacular.

Santo Stefano

The beautiful basilica of Santo Stefano is intriguing. It is a group of seven churches in the square of the same name. It is said that Saint Petronius built this basilica over the temple of the goddess Isis – he was a bishop of the city during the 5th Century.

San Petronio Basilica

This church with its unfinished façade is the main church in Bologna. This may not be the most beautiful edifice, but its interior is interesting and on a grand scale. This is the fifteenth largest church in the world.

Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca

Just south west of the historical core of the city you will find this Roman Catholic sanctuary church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is picturesquely situated on a forested hill around 300m above the city plain below.

Archiginnasio of Bologna

This is one of the most important buildings in the city. Once the main building of the University of Bologna, it currently houses a municipal library. This stunning architectural gem was built beginning in the 16th Century.

Bologna Cathedral

Bologna Cathedral dates from the late 16th and 17th Century. It was built on the site of a previous cathedral, known to have been on the site as early as 1028. It has a majestic and grand Baroque interior

Basilica of San Domenico

This is one of the richest of the main churches of Bologna in terms of art and history. It is the home of the Dominican order. Works within are painted by a range of grand masters of ecclesiastical art.

Fountain of Neptune

This grand and monumental civic fountain is located in the square of the same name, next to the Piazza Maggiore. Mermaids surround Neptune on his pedestal.

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