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How To Survive a Long Flight with Your Nerves Intact

No matter how much you love flying, a long-haul flight can often be a bit of an ordeal. Don't let a bit of discomfort stop you from visiting far-flung destinations – here are some things you can do to make the flight a little more enjoyable – or at least less appalling:

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Suck a sweet on take off:

If you are a nervous flyer then sucking a sweet can help take you mind off the fact that you are climbing higher and higher into the air in what is effectively a tin can and even if you are not then sucking a sweet on take off and landing can help you avoid your ears popping or pressurising so you find it hard to hear anything. There is nothing more irritating after a while than having to say 'Pardon?' to the person sitting next to you for the fiftieth time. The sweet will also stop you suffering from the irritability and headaches that can come from low blood sugar while you are waiting to get something to eat.

Bring a good book:

A book can be good from the entertainment point of view, of course, but a book can also be a good prop. It somehow manages to speak louder than putting on headphones and could forestall inane chatter from the person sat next to you. Also, a book can break up the tedium of just staring at the screen in front of you for the whole flight. As any keen reader knows, a book can also transport you far away from your current location – something you might desire if you are jammed next to a sweaty so-and-so with a baby screaming and some dire film burbling away.

Bring your own headphones:

You could get their uncomfortable flimsy ones but really it makes sense, since you will probably be wearing them for much of the flight, to bring a comfortable pair – preferably of noise cancelling headphones. That way they won't dig in, fall off or make your life otherwise uncomfortable.

Drink plenty of water:

Headaches, nausea, dry mouth – no, not a hangover, dehydration. Don't quench your thirst with too much caffeine or alcohol or sugary drink though – just drink water and plenty of it. This way you can avoid many common pitfalls and make sure you arrive at your destination feeling fit and healthy, even if you do arrive exhausted.

Choose the vegetarian meal:

Choosing a vegetarian meal or another speciality one usually means that you will be served before the masses. It is often of a higher quality too – less mass produced and fresher.

Bring ear plugs:

Bring a good set of ear plugs – for obvious reasons. When you do want to try to get to sleep you don't want to have to listen to someone snoring like a warthog or screaming babies that sound like fire alarms. Block out the noise with ear plugs and try to get some shut eye.

Sleep as much as possible:

The more you can sleep the sooner it will seem that it is over. Sit calmly, relax, make yourself comfortable and try to drift off into a pleasant dream – if you succeed you will be there before you know it.

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